Data protection policy

Policies for the treatment and protection of personal data Sandiego Ophthalmology Clinic

JUSTIFICATION: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. In compliance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012, its regulatory decree 1377 of 2013 and the provisions of the Political Constitution, it adopts these Personal Data Treatment and Protection Policies.

NATURE OF THE PROTECTION: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. As responsible for the processing of personal data, through these policies it implements all the necessary actions to treat and protect the personal data stored in its databases.

OBJECT: The purpose of these policies is to define the parameters under which treatment is given to all personal data collected and stored within the databases owned by CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA

SCOPE OF APPLICATION: These policies apply to all databases managed by CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. within each and every one of its dependencies both at its main headquarters at Carrera 43 N° 29 - 35 | Switchboard: 57(4)262 63 63, as in all the offices that may be established in the future, by the Persons in Charge of the Processing of Personal Data and any third parties that in one way or another manage personal databases of SANDIEGO S.A. OPHTHALMOLOGY CLINIC

PRINCIPLES: In the processing of personal data carried out by CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. All the principles enshrined in the General Regime for the Protection of Personal Data of Colombia apply, especially Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013.

POLICY QUERY: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. makes these policies available to the holders of personal data in its offices and on its website www.CLÍ and other suitable means of dissemination.

CATEGORY AND CLASSIFICATION OF DATA: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. according to the data processed, it is subject to the classification ordered by Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013. RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF PERSONAL DATA: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. makes manifest the desire to protect the rights of the owners of personal data; in such sense and according to the law, indicates the following rights at the head of said holders:

● Know, update, rectify and delete your personal data from the databases data of CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A.

● Request proof of authorization granted to CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. by the owners of the personal data for the treatment of your data.

● Be informed by CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A., prior request, regarding the use that has been given to your personal data.

 Submit, when applicable, to the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, complaints for violations of the processing of your personal data.

Revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data when in the treatment does not respect the principles, rights and guarantees constitutional and legal.

● Free access and knowledge of the personal data that is subject to treatment in accordance with the provisions of the law, in the processing of data personal.

These rights may be exercised by:

● The owner of the personal data.

● The successors in title of the owner of the personal data.

 The representative and/or proxy of the owner of the personal data.

RESPONSIBLE AND IN CHARGE OF THE TREATMENT: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. NIT. 800.051.998, Carrera 43 N° 29 – 35 | PBX: 57(4)2626363, email protecciondedatos@CLÍ is responsible for and in charge of the treatment and personal data bases, and has designated the area of quality as the person in charge of the administration of policies and data processing, and by means of an appointment act has commissioned one of its officials as data processing officer, who can be contacted by email protecciondedatos@CLÍ


AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF PERSONAL DATA: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. for the processing of personal data, requests the holders their free, clear, prior, express and informed authorization, through different means such as the website, emails, and physical formats available in areas and dependencies of the CLINIC and any other suitable means that allows the storage of the same for legal purposes.

CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY OF DATABASES: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. makes available all the human and technological resources necessary to provide security and confidentiality to the personal data in its possession. In any case, it will verify when appropriate, the origin of the legal exceptions to deliver the personal data to the authorities in the pertinent cases.

MEANS TO GRANT THE AUTHORIZATION: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. To obtain the authorization for the processing of personal data, it will use different means that allow the owner to express it freely, clearly, expressly and informed, including registration on the website, email, physical formats in our offices, physical formats in our offices. .

REVOCATION OF AUTHORIZATION: The holders of personal data may revoke the authorization granted to CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. at any time. for the treatment of your personal data or request the total or partial deletion of the same, as long as it does not prevent it a legal or contractual provision. When the revocation is total in relation to the authorized purposes, CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. the processing of the data ceases; when it is partially, in relation to certain types of treatment, it ceases upon the specific revocation, in which case CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. continues to process personal data for the purposes for which the owner does not I would have revoked his consent.


TREATMENT TO WHICH THE DATA WILL BE SUBJECTED AND PURPOSE OF THE SAME: The treatment of the data of the holders with which CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. has established or established a relationship, permanent or occasional, may be collected and processed, among other purposes, for:

Develop the corporate purpose of THE OPHTHALMOLOGY CLINIC SAN DIEGO. in accordance with its Corporate Bylaws.

· Comply with the demands of the health authorities in Colombia.

· Share sensitive data such as CLINICAL histories of your patients, when they are delivered to a third-party ambulance; when they are taken to another medical care center, to receive services and/or treatments authorized by THE SANDIEGO OPHTHALMOLOGY CLINIC. , by the entity responsible for payment or the pre-paid health entity to which the patient is attached. Provide personal data to affiliated or subsidiary companies to provide a comprehensive medical service to the patients of THE SANDIEGO OPHTHALMOLOGY CLINIC.

· Comply with current regulations in Colombia for commercial companies and of the health sector.

· Comply with the provisions of the Colombian legal system regarding labor and social security.

· Carry out surveys related to LA CLÍNICA DE SANDIEGO OPHTHALMOLOGY regarding user experiences

· about the services provided.

Fulfill all your contractual commitments.
 PROOF OF AUTHORIZATION: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. stores in physical files or electronic repositories the authorization granted by the owners of the personal data for its treatment, directly or through third parties hired for this purpose.

 CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. permanently updates its databases in accordance with the provisions of the personal data processing law.

PRIVACY NOTICE: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. has a privacy policy which is available on its website and forms an integral part of these Policies.

DATA TRANSFERS FOR PROCESSING BY NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL THIRD PARTIES: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. may partially or totally transmit or transfer personal data to third parties in the country or abroad, in development of its corporate purpose, for which it requests the authorization of its owners and implements the necessary actions to comply with legal precepts of Colombia and the aforementioned Policies, through contracts or agreements that establish it.

PROCEDURES: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. in the processing of personal data, defines the following procedures, which can only be exercised by the owner of the data, his successors in title or
representatives, previously accrediting such condition. PROCEDURE FOR THE EXERCISE OF THE RIGHTS OF THE

HOLDERS OF PERSONAL DATA: For the exercise of their rights, the owner, his successors in title or his representatives will provide at least the following information:

Protección de datos

PROCEDURE FOR CONSULTATION ON THE TREATMENT OF PERSONAL DATA: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. makes available to the owners of the data the email to raise your queries; Likewise, it receives applications at its headquarters: Carrera 43 N° 29 - 35 | Switchboard: +57(4)262 63 63. In the request, the owner will indicate the data indicated in

PROCEDURE FOR THE EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT OF THE HOLDERS OF PERSONAL DATA. PROCEDURE FOR CORRECTION, UPDATING, RECTIFICATION OR DELETION OF PERSONAL DATA: CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. In compliance with the provisions of the General Regime for the Protection of Personal Data of Colombia, it will proceed to correct, update, rectify or delete the personal data at the request of the owner or his representative, with the full data indicated in

PROCEDURE FOR THE EXERCISE OF THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF PERSONAL DATA. If the request is incomplete, CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A., will require the interested party within five (5) business days following the date of receipt, to correct the faults.

The required information must be submitted by the applicant within two (2) months of the request; if he does not do so, it will be understood that he has given up. The maximum term that CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. has. to meet the request, it is fifteen (15) business days from the day following the date of receipt. When it is not possible to meet the request within said term, the interested party will be informed of the reasons for the delay and the date on which their request will be addressed, which may not exceed eight (8) business days following the expiration of the first term.

Paragraph. The deletion of personal data may not be granted by request made by the owner or his representative, when there is a legal or contractual duty for the personal data to remain in the respective database.

PROCEDURE TO REVOKE THE AUTHORIZATION GIVEN FOR THE TREATMENT OF PERSONAL DATA: The owner of the personal data or his representative can revoke the authorization granted for the processing of his personal data, by sending the request to CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍAS SANDIEGO S.A., in accordance with the PROCEDURE FOR THE EXERCISE OF THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF PERSONAL DATA. CLÍNICA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA SANDIEGO S.A. deletes or deletes the data within fifteen (15) business days following the request, otherwise, the Holder will have the right to request the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce to order the revocation of the authorization

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Cra 43 # 29-35

Medellín - Colombia