Diagnostic aids

The hospital is equipped with a great variety of devices to confirm the diagnosis of allkinds of eye pathologies. It has been acknowledged as one of the most important in thecity, thanks to its permanent technological renovation, and its excellence in serviceprovision.

These are the diagnostic aids we do...

01. Angiography

An angiography is a test that allows a view in detail of retinal blood vessels and the choroid, and imaging the back of the eye.

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02. Campimetry

Visual campimetry is a diagnostic test used to value any changes in the field of vision (thearea that the eye is able to see while it is focused on a central point).

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03. Electrophysiological studies

Such studies allow a very objective diagnosis of acquired and congenital diseases in the macula (a part of the retina), optical nerves and occipital cortex.

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04. Optical Coherent Tomography (OCT)

Even though OCT is used more and more frequently in the study and treatment of all different kinds of glaucoma, its main mission is the treatment of retina, macula and optical nerve.

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05. Pentacam

Pentacam is a corneal topographer which uses a camera that rotates 360 degrees and produces imaging of the anterior segment of the eye, it goes from the cornea to the capsule of the crystalline lens.

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06. Pachymetry

Pachymetry is a test done by means of a Pentacam corneal topographer to measurecorneal thickness.

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07. Ocular ultrasound

It allows the diagnosis of pathologies which may be confusing in other devices, as it has a high-resolution frequency which shows a view of the posterior part of the eye in high detail. It also allows a histological diagnosis of the ocular problem, by using a standardized probe.

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08. Biometry

Biometry is a test that allows measuring the axial length of the eyeball, the corneal diameter, and the depth of the anterior chamber.

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09. Specular microscopy or endothelial cell count

The endothelial cell count test allows assessing the number and quality of the cells in the corneal endothelium, or the inner surface of the cornea.

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10. Electrooculography

Electrooculography is a test which consists of placing small electrodes close to the eyemuscles to measure their movements.

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11. Visual evoked potential

Visual evoked potentials are neurophysiological techniques which register brain responsesgenerated by visual stimuli.

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12. Interferometry

Interferometry is a technique to measure the visual sharpness of a patient. This testevaluates the response of the whole optical system, that is, the system consisting ofcornea, lens and retina.

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13. Topolyzer

The Topolyzer is a test that provides immediate visibility of visual defects.

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